Instead of searching for a payday lender, wasting time and getting stressed, Finger Finance is here to search and connect you with to a lender with the best rates that is within our network.
Finger Finance is here to help you find you a lender today!
Our online form is easy and simple to complete, and you have the chance of having the funds you need within one business day.
Need to borrow $100 to $5,000? Finger Finance is here to help!
Save Time
The Right Fit
Finger Finance works with reputable lenders to ensure we are lending responsibly. We use our network to find the best lender for you.
As a broker, not a lender, we use our services to ensure that the loan we give is affordable. No matter what your credit history looks like, Finger Finance is here to give you advice and help.
Finger Finance is here to provide short-term loans, helping customers avoid a stressful process of researching and filling in forms.
In 2018, Finger Finance was founded to provide customers with the help and advice needed when borrowing money. Finger Finance offers a free service to help customers find the right lending partner for them, avoiding the risk of illegal borrowing and high-cost options available on the street.
With Finger Finance, it is free to submit a loan request form with no additional admin or broker fee. Instead, we charge our partners lending money a commission if and when your enquiry is approved.
To ensure a safe and secure service, we review all our partners carefully ensuring that they uphold OLA Best Practices and will deliver an effective and fast loan product.