When applying for a payday loan online, there are a few things you will typically need to provide. These include:
- Your driver’s licence number or state ID
- Your contact details – including your phone number and email address
- A valid checking account
- Your employment status
- The loan amount that you want to borrow
Finger Finance makes applying for a payday loan easy and straightforward. Our online application form only takes a few minutes and gives you an instant decision on whether you’ve been approved for the loan. No need to leave your sofa, just apply using a smartphone phone or laptop. When you come to submit your enquiry, it’s a good idea to have all the information above to hand. This will make your application quick and stress-free.
How can I apply for a payday loan?
At Finger Finance we make applying for a payday loan as quick and easy as it can possibly be. Our fully online experience makes finding the right loan for you simple and convenient. Fill out our online application form to get an instant result on your own. Finger Finance works with hundreds of direct lenders across the United States which means we can find the right lender and the right loan for you.
When you’re filling out an application you will need to provide some personal information and the amount you wish to borrow. When you’re considering how much to borrow, make sure it’s enough to cover your current needs, but not so much that you’re borrowing out of your means. Borrowing too much money can make it difficult to keep up with repayments, so think carefully.
Once you’ve made an enquiry with us, we will provide you with an instant on-screen decision about your payday loan.
Am I eligible for a payday loan?
Before you apply for a payday loan you might like to consider whether or not you are eligible. Payday loans are one of the quickest and easiest ways to get a loan quickly, but there are still some things you must have to be eligible. You will need to meet the eligibility criteria to secure a payday loan. Here than main four stipulations for securing a payday loan:
- You must be a U.S. resident.
- You have to be at least 18 years of age.
- You need to have a consistent income with earnings at a minimum of $800 per month.
- You must have a checking account that your payday loan can be deposited into.
Generally speaking, your credit rating will play a big role in whether or not you’re approved for a loan. However, Finger Finance works with a range of lenders and our panel of lenders are willing to consider working with a range of credit scores. Don’t panic if your credit score isn’t perfect or you have struggled to repay a loan in the past, this doesn’t automatically discount you from being able to get a payday loan. However, you should carefully consider whether or not a loan is right for you and you need to be confident that you can keep up with repayments.
Is a payday loan right for me?
Payday loans are designed to be used for a short period of time. Unlike a mortgage for example which is paid off over tens of years, a payday loan is only designed to be paid off over a few months. As the name suggests, a payday loan is designed to fill a financial gap between one payday and the next.
If you have a sudden or unexpected expense, for example your fridge-freezer breaks, you will need a lump of money outside of your normal monthly spending. If you don’t have savings to cover you, situations like this can be really stressful. A payday loan can remove some of that stress. Say you need to borrow $500 for your new fridge-freezer, you can apply for a payday loan and get the money, usually, that same day. Then you will pay it off a chunk at a time over the next few months. The big advantage of a payday loan is how quickly the money can be in your account, it can take just a few minutes. This makes it a good option for sudden financial emergencies that no one would have foreseen. Always make sure you carefully consider how you will repay your loan and whether you can afford to keep up with repayments. Falling behind or defaulting on loan payments will damage your credit score and make it harder to borrow money in the future.
Payday loans are not designed to be used as a long term fix, if you find yourself falling into debt or need to borrow a large sum for a long time, a payday loan is not the answer. Seek the support of a financial advisor if you are unsure what is best for you.
How long will it take to get a payday loan?
Being approved for a payday loan with Finger Finance is an incredibly quick and straightforward process. Once you have filled in a few quick details you can instantly find out whether or not your request has been approved. Once your request is approved the money you have asked to borrow should be in your account either on the same day you apply for it or the next business day. This makes what payday loans one of the fastest and easiest ways to borrow money, meaning it’s perfect for emergency expenses that no one could have foreseen.