Your repayments are broken down into equal monthly installments so you know exactly how much you are going to repay each month and can budget for it accordingly.
Your repayment date is the same day each month, on a day that you choose. For a lot of our customers, they select the last working day of the month, the last Friday or the day just after, this is when they are mostly likely to get paid from work and have money in their account.
Your collections are taken automatically using the lender’s system and you will receive an email and SMS reminder on the days leading up to each repayment so that there are no surprises, you simply need to have money in your account ready for collection!
By paying on time, this will prevent any additional late fees or added interest being charged. You also have the benefit that payments will be collected automatically by the lender so you do not have to call up, go to the bank or make a manual repayment – simple!
It is possible to get an installment loan today, certainly for lower amounts such as $300, $500 or $1,000, but larger amounts may take a little longer since the lender will need to take precautions and confirm key details such as your income or employment.
To get a quick loan, you should always give accurate information about your name, date of birth, age, resident, employment and income – so these will be vital to get your loan approved and funded and will avoid any delays with the lender contacting you to confirm these.
Make sure that you are available by email and phone once you apply, so that you can be ready for any follow up calls and so we can process your application as quickly as possible.
Start your application for an installment loan online and complete our form in less than 5 minutes!
At Finger Finance, we offer completely free service and we will connect your enquiry with the lender who is most likely to approve it and can offer you the most competitive rates. There is no impact to your credit score and you can choose to proceed at your own pace.
We have helped thousands upon thousands of customers so far to get the funds they need and if you are approved, you can receive funds within a few hours or the same day of applying. To begin, simply click on the ‘Get Started’ button below!