You can have multiple loans open at once across different lenders. Some lenders will also allow you to have multiple loans open at once with them.
- Usually lenders will prohibit you from having multiple loans open with them to avoid excessive debt that you cannot repay on a monthly basis.
- It is not illegal but lenders will usually limit the number of loans they offer you individually to increase your chances of repaying the loans on time.
- It is usually better not to have multiple loans open at once because this can decrease your chances of repaying the loans quickly.
- You can have multiple loans open with one lender or with alternative lenders however some states do prohibit this by law.
Can You Have Multiple Loans Open with The Same Lender?
You can have multiple loans open with the same lender, although it can be prohibited.
Depending on the lender, there may be a limit on the number of loans an individual can have open at any given time. Alternatively, some lenders have no limits and will allow individuals to continue taking out loans with them regardless of the time it has been since the last loan was taken out and how many repayments have been made.
In addition to this, some loan companies have a policy whereby applicants can take out an extra loan with them after they have repaid a certain amount on their original loan to ensure that they will be able to continue making repayments within the agreed time frames.
There may also be restrains on how many loans can be taken out within a given time. For example, some lenders allow applicants to take out an extra loan after they have spent three months making repayments. Some lenders extend this policy, meaning applicants will be able to take out an additional loan a year after taking out the first one, meaning they have been making repayments for a full twelve months.
It is also possible to have loans open across multiple lenders, meaning you can apply to have a loan with multiple companies. In spite of this, some lenders will not offer loans if an applicant has existing debt with an alternative company. This is to avoid individuals being unable to make repayments on their loan, and therefore having a high debt-to-income ratio.

Lenders will make the same assessments each time you apply for a new loan
Can You Qualify For Multiple Personal Loans?
Yes, you can qualify for multiple personal loans at once. There are no legal requirements whereby an individual cannot have multiple outstanding loans at any time.
In spite of this, some states do have regulations where individuals cannot have unlimited loans open at any one time in order to avoid debts never being fully repaid.
The same criteria will apply when looking to take out a second or third loan as it did for the original loan. Lenders will usually assess all forms of income and assets and make a decision on whether the borrower will be able to make the repayments successfully.
Do Lenders Consider Debt-to-Income Ratio?
Lenders usually consider your debt-to-income ratio before agreeing to offer you a loan. This ratio demonstrates how much debt an individual has amounted compared to how much an individual earns on a monthly basis.
In order to keep this ratio low, it is best not to have multiple outstanding loans at any one time and make all repayments within the agreed time frames.
Keeping the debt-to-income ratio low should also increase your chances of being approved for a loan if you do feel you need to apply for one.